Avalon supports engineers and Architects during design operation to enable them produce constructability drawings and specifications that will meet the client intent within a predetermined budget and time frame. During this period, we will utilize historical data, review and understand drawings, specifications, and all legal guidelines in the jurisdiction of the project. We will account for all costs associated with the project with the utilization of software, cost accountant, engineers, architects and our construction management team.

This includes but is not limited to: Creation of the initial building schematic design, Permitting, feasibility study, Conceptual Estimating, constructability, bid packaging and subcontracting analysis. Value engineering, Geo-technical and investigations, Schedules, life-cycle analysis, design Collaboration, identification of long lead items and the right software for the project.

Our experience and flexibility make us an ideal partner, because we always keep one eye on the “Big Picture” even as we pursue our individual Assignments. Our services focus on the following areas:

Engineering Support Services

Avalon has the skill and dexterity to provide comprehensive program and construction management or to handle specialized service components as part of an ad hoc project team.

Our experience and flexibility make us an ideal partner, because we always keep one eye on the “big picture,” even as we pursue our individual assignments. Our services cover seven main areas: 

High-Rise Commercial Buildings

Whether you’re considering purchasing – or renovating – an existing high-rise building or developing a new structure from scratch, Avalon can help.  We are experienced in vertical construction program management, building inspections, site design and construction management.

We can help you determine the structural soundness of a potential acquisition, identify hidden costs associated with bringing the building up to code or estimate the costs of a major renovation. If the building is currently in operation, we also can help you plan and stage renovations so that they do not inconvenience tenants.

Public Works

Avalon has repeatedly demonstrated its technical strength, attention to detail and creative problem-solving abilities through our involvement on a wide range of public works projects.  We have participated in pilot studies in water treatment, helped decommission sewage treatment plants and served as systems analysts and construction plan troubleshooters for prime contractors on large-scale design-build efforts. 

Our partners recognize and value our detailed understanding of fluid dynamics and how we apply our knowledge to help quickly spot and address pressure-related issues that could result in both pre- and post- construction damage. We make it our business, whenever addressing potential problems, to offer practical workarounds or design alternatives. We prefer to spot issues and take corrective action in advance so that, once started, construction can move forward as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Transportation Terminals

New safety and security concerns have made port and air terminal design and construction projects far more challenging. In order to provide quality site-inspection, safety-testing or construction-management services at such facilities today, engineering firms must be bonded and their team members pre-screened to meet security clearance needs. Firms also must be intimately familiar with the facilities’ day-to-day operations and aware of all the various demands placed on key infrastructure assets.

Avalon has considerable on-site experience working at both air and sea terminals. We have performed routine safety and maintenance inspections of airport runways, port authority cranes, heavy equipment and permanent structures. We have provided on-site inspections of major terminal security system installations and we have vetted security system designs. In addition, our entire team has been pre-screened through extensive background checks.

Roads and Bridges

Road and bridge design, expansion, modernization and construction management is demanding engineering work with far-reaching consequences. Each successfully completed project improves public safety, enhances mobility and adds vital connections linking new residential and commercial developments to nearby population centers.

Since its inception, Avalon has been instrumental in bringing these types of projects – large and small — to successful completion, both as a lead consultant and as a valued member of multi-firm teams. We have engineered and upgraded county roads, created new interstate highway exchanges and overpasses, run routine bridge safety inspections, and evaluated bridges that have experienced partial structural failures. 

We handle all site-related tests and inspections — including first-hand inspections of bridge girders and stress points.

Community Development

Developing planned, multi-use communities can be a massive undertaking requiring broad-based expertise in issues affecting both horizontal and vertical site development. Zoning and permitting, program management, wetlands conservation, even brownfield reclamation and administration are all potential areas of concern. But technical skill and expertise is not enough. Developers and their representatives also must address the often divergent and seemingly conflicting interests of community stakeholders, special interest groups, government agencies and construction firms. Helping these groups explore and acknowledge their common interests can go a long way toward moving even the most controversial project forward.

Avalon has successfully helped clients through all stages of the community development process from site evaluation and acquisition to site design, planning and program management. We have skillfully staged complex construction schedules, overseen the development of large-scale, residential-resort communities—even helped financial institutions evaluate the desirability of backing specific projects. Our expertise can be applied successfully across a broad range of commercial and institutional projects. These include research/commercial parks; college, health care and corporate campuses and military bases scheduled for decommissioning and redevelopment.

Education Facility

Schools aren’t merely centers of learning. They are buildings designed to provide children and teachers with safe, secure, wholesome indoor environments. Places where they can study free of the threat of air-borne pollutants, pathogens, and structural defects. Moreover, they should be strong enough to withstand extreme weather conditions and natural forces. 

Avalon has been privileged to work, as a subcontractor, on a number of public school facility maintenance assessments designed to help Maryland school districts continue to operate in a safe and cost-effective manner. The assessments provide officials with a complete picture of the condition of each school, prioritized lists of both major and minor repairs and their estimated costs.

Avalon inspectors consider every type of physical defect: structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical. They look for the underlying causes of damage rather than symptoms.  Our findings go into a report which rank each deficiency according to its severity and associated risks.  The report covers all mechanical systems and details which older, out-dated machines need to be replaced with newer, more energy-efficient models. It also covers certain non-structural issues and recommends low-cost fixes where practical. 

As a subcontractor, Avalon places a high value on achieving seamless communications and software integration with prime contractors. We use today’s most advanced reporting software and analytic tools to keep them informed and up to date with timely, accurate reports and information.


N. Iwuoha

Managing Member

T. Blair

Administrative Manager

I. Nwosu


A. Petty

Senior Project Manager

R. Palileo

Senior Construction Inspector

K. Roozbez

Senior Construction Inspector

E. Herd

Office Admininistrator

S. Watts

Project Engineer

R. Kaufman

Safety Manager

D. Nelson

Project Engineer

N. Hoffman

Marketing Manager / MBE Liason

O. Samuel

IT Specialist/Web Developer